I had to make an extremely difficult decision to turn off my husband’s life support.
I had to find the strength. On May 2nd I had to make an extremely difficult decision to turn off my husband’s life support. My heart broke that day. And it’s going to be a long way to find my way back from it. He was THE BEST partner.

I can identify. I met someone in a roundabout way and we became a couple. This woman was a BSN nurse who taught me how to take care of her as she had several issues but end stage COPD was the nail which sealed her coffin. Against my better wishes we got a rescue cat that I still have today although my friend has since passed over. 8 years later the cat is her living memory and I have a rose and memorial ink to commemorate her passing. I had a preset time to stop life support and she left on her own 12 minutes later. I truly empathize and embrace your feelings 🙏🏽🌟